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How a Chiropractor Can Treat Injuries from Outdoor Activities

Written By South Texas Chiropractic on August 27, 2023

Sports Injury

Regularly participating in sports and outdoor activities like trail running, swimming, kayaking, and hiking increases your risk of common injuries. If you’re suffering from sudden or recurring leg pain, neck pain, back pain, stiffness, muscle sprains or strains, or loss of mobility, our chiropractors in San Antonio can help. 

Sprained Ankles and Stiff Joints

A very common injury from outdoor activities is muscle sprains, strains, and cramps, as well as joint stiffness. This can happen if you exercise or take part in outdoor activities without a proper warm up or cool down, or if you are severely dehydrated because you weren’t drinking enough water while outside. Our chiropractors can use percussion massage, shock wave therapy, and pain management techniques to ease your sore, stiff muscles. They can also perform chiropractic adjustments to realign your spine and relieve nerve pressure, stiffness, pain, and inflammation. Chiropractic adjustments will also improve your balance, posture, and muscle strength so that you’re less likely to suffer from future injuries.

Arm Pain and Leg Pain

You might suffer from arm pain or leg pain if you overdo it while hiking, biking, running, or rowing. Arm and leg pain can be a sign of a repetitive stress injury, which occurs when you put stress on your body repeatedly while doing a repetitive motion. Our chiropractors can use chiropractic adjustments and massage therapy to reduce fluid buildup in joints, relieve pain and swelling, stimulate healing, and make your muscles and ligaments more limber and flexible. This can lower your risk of future repetitive stress injuries.

Neck and Back Injuries

People who participate in outdoor activities are at a much higher risk of neck and back injuries. Traumatic injuries and falls can cause disc herniation or whiplash, and poor form or posture while playing sports or taking part in outdoor activities can cause neck and back pain, stiffness, muscle cramps, and muscle spasms. Our chiropractors may use chiropractic adjustments or spinal decompression to ease pressure on the nerves and joints, relieve inflammation and stiffness, and improve circulation. 

Ready to Schedule an Appointment for Chiropractic Care in San Antonio? Visit Us Today

If you regularly play sports or take part in outdoor activities in San Antonio and want to relieve pain through safe, effective chiropractic care, come see us at South Texas Chiropractic. Our chiropractors can help you heal from injury faster and prevent future injuries, so that you can get back to the outdoor activities you love. If you would like more information or would like to schedule an appointment, you can contact us at (210) 493-9119.



Posted In: Chiropractic Outdoor Activities