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Traction/Decompression in San Antonio

Why Chose Spinal Decompression Treatment for Herniated Discs

If you’re dealing with a herniated disc, you already know about the pain this common ailment can cause. Traditional treatment options often include prescription medications and invasive surgeries that mask your symptoms, rather than address the root cause of your discomfort. At South Texas Chiropractic in San Antonio, our spinal decompression treatments can treat your herniated disc pain and help you regain your mobility without drugs or surgery.

What is a herniated disc?

A herniated disc forms when the softer center of a disc pokes through the harder outer layer. This protrusion can squeeze the nerves in your spine, leading to pain, numbness, inflammation, and sciatica, or pain that runs down the backs of your legs. The condition has many causes, including sports or auto injuries, degenerative disc disease, and physically demanding professions. Herniated disc pain is usually chronic, leading to a lifetime of potential discomfort without professional treatment.

What is spinal decompression?

Spinal decompression is a medical technique that our chiropractors use to effectively treat herniated disc pain. The procedure gently stretches the spine using a motorized Triton DTS traction table. This takes pressure off of your affected disc, allowing it to retreat back into its correct location. Without the bulging, your disc won’t be pressing down on your nerves or inflaming the surrounding tissues. Spinal decompression treatments are completed right here in our office and do not require any special preparation or recovery periods.

What are the advantages of spinal decompression?

Spinal decompression is a completely natural method of treating herniated disc pain. As opposed to traditional surgeries, which are often extremely invasive, spinal decompression is a non-invasive procedure that only involves gentle pressure on the exterior of your body. Spinal decompression also requires no prescription or over-the-counter medications that can plague you with unpleasant side effects.

What to Expect

We use a motorized traction table which the patient will lay ontop of the table. The provider with adjust the straps and harness. The machine will slowly pull the patient. Each session will typically take 20-30 minutes.

Schedule Your First Appointment Today

South Texas Chiropractic in San Antonio provides spinal decompression treatments for conditions like herniated discs, pinched nerves, and back pain.

Have questions or need to schedule an appointment make an appointment with South Texas Chiropractic in San Antonio online or by phone (210-493-9119).